Wednesday, February 18, 2009

A Story to Tell

I created this image a while back and it was supposed to be a gift for my son. It is part of a series of illustrations I did that I was hoping to make into a book. It was taking me far too long to finish and I was growing impatient with myself for not getting it done so I decided to take this one image and make it into something a bit different than a book. I used the fine services at to created a piece of custom fabric in which I made yet another blanket for him to snuggle in. The difference with this blanket is that it tells part of a story. You see, the house in the bottom used to be our house and the neighborhood use to be our neighborhood. Since I knew he would be too small to remember where he came from I would create a sort of pictoral summary including our old grocery store, church, neighbors and even the hospital where he was born. I think that deep down I really need to hang to those memories. It was a great place to live and because Grant was born and lived out his early days there it holds a very special place in my heart.

Once the blanket is done I will post a pic or two

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You should frame that, too! It is adorable! What about offering that type of graphic pictoral for others? Maybe have them send you photos of their landmarks they hold dear.
Very cute. Can't wait to see the blanket!